News You Should Know: Lifestyle Factors Such as Social Life May Protect Against Alzheimer’s

Women of several ages and ethnicities smiling and laughing while embracing outdoors

Education, Job, and Social Life May Help Protect Brain from Cognitive Decline | ScienceDaily

New research on Alzheimer’s finds that staying active — not just physically but also socially and intellectually — may help build up a so-called “cognitive reserve” that can provide protection against the disease. Researchers say the study highlights the importance of activities we often consider “leisure,” such as reading and socializing, in lifelong learning.

Student Loan Forgiveness Could Help More Than 40 Million | The Associated Press

President Joe Biden announced plans to forgive up to $20,000 in federal student loan debt. Officials say more than 40 million people could be eligible for forgiveness and 20 million could see their student debt eliminated entirely.

Colorado’s State Employee Health Insurance Plan Aims for Reform | The Colorado Sun

The State of Colorado is teaming up with the Colorado Purchasing Alliance to offer cost-saving options to enrollees in the state’s Cigna health insurance plans. Those workers — about 19,000 of them — will have access to lower negotiated rates and a tool for comparing providers on price and quality ratings.

For the First Time in 20 Years, Teachers Can Deduct More for School Supplies | NPR

Since 2002, teachers have been able to deduct up to $250 in out-of-pocket classroom expenses from their taxes. For the 2022 tax year, that amount increases to $300. The deduction will continue to increase in future years to account for inflation.

News You Should Know is a digest of news from publications around the nation about finance, investing, and retirement.