Fed Officials Fret Over How Far They Can Lower Interest Rates | Bloomberg via Yahoo! Finance
What will the Federal Reserve do next? It appears even Fed officials aren’t sure, given their comments at a recent conference. While it’s likely we’ll see additional interest rate cuts in the future, it’s unclear how low they’ll go, as officials have suggested the rate needed to keep inflation in check may be higher than in the pre-pandemic years.
Retirement Benefits Valued by More Workers Than Last Year | PlanAdviser
Retirement benefits have grown in importance to workers, according to a recent survey. That survey found 62% of respondents said retirement plans contributed most to their financial security, up from 56% the year before. Other priorities included health insurance and paid time off.
Credit Card Debt Among Retirees Jumps | CNBC
New poll data shows just how much retirees’ credit card debt has grown in recent years. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 68% of retirees had outstanding credit card debt in 2024, up from 40% just two years ago. In general, EBRI says retirees and those approaching retirement today are much more likely to have debt—and more of it—than in the past.
GUIDE Model Offers Hope, Support for Dementia Caregivers | Next Avenue
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is rolling out a major initiative known as Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE). The new framework aims to fill existing gaps in dementia care and support for caregivers—including training and education, financial assistance for caregiver breaks, and better access to around-the-clock virtual care.
News You Should Know is a digest of news from publications around the nation about finance, investing, and retirement.