April is Financial Literacy Month

Retirement may be the center of the universe at PERA, but establishing stable financial footing doesn’t begin and end with planning for life after the working years have come to an end. It is part of a larger picture that might also include saving for a house, socking away funds for a child’s college education, repairing personal credit, or establishing an emergency fund.

And what’s the common denominator for making all of these financial steps a reality? Knowing how to manage money and making it work at an individual level – the very thinking behind the nationally recognized Financial Literacy Month.

Knowledge won’t necessarily spur action, but it will provide the “why” and the “how” – “why” personal saving is critical and “how” to establish spending and saving strategies that can lead to a solid, sustainable retirement. These are two essentials for forward movement and continued motivation. From there, it’s much easier to establish positive financial habits powered by sound information.

While money is something most people become accustomed to seeing and dealing with from a very young age, it can be incredibly intimidating to handle as adults. However, the resources are available. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look. PERA’s personal finance blog, The Dime, has featured a number of articles in honor of Financial Literacy Month.

Financial Literacy: Starting the Conversation

While some states (including Colorado) are working to increase the amount of personal finance education that is provided in school, many kids experience only a minimal amount of financial education – if any at all.

6 Steps to Raising Money Savvy Kids

This post includes fun games and resources to start kids off on the right financial foot and help families teach money basics early on.

Financial Tips, Tools, and Resources for Millennials

Studies have shown that Millennials are motivated but not engaged when it comes to money matters. This post is full of resources to help Millennials as they enter the work force and take on the responsibility of personal money management.

Important Knowledge for Young Adults

Many young adults find themselves with a new degree, making their way in the “real world.” But they lack basic financial skills and aren’t sure what information they’ll need or what resources are worth their attention. This post tackles basic, practical steps for young adults who are just starting out.

Planning for the Future in Your 30s and 40s

Most Americans in their 30s and 40s are in the midst of juggling multiple financial strains while managing the stresses of a job and family. But this is precisely the time when they should be working to ensure that their current finances and future retirement plans are on track.

Planning for Your 50s and Beyond

This post tackles the topic of retirement planning for adults who are seeing retirement close on the horizon.

Financial Literacy Month: What Our Parents Taught Us About Finances

Parents are often the first, and sometimes only, teachers when it comes to money and finances, whether or not the lessons they teach are useful or even constructive. This article looks at both the good and the bad aspects of what parents teach their children about managing their finances.